Engaging and Growing the Elkhart County Family Child Care Network

The Family Child Care Network (FCCN) is growing in Elkhart County. In November, family child care providers gathered to enjoy a meal, celebrate their work, and learn more about early childhood programs and services, including those provided by CAPS, Maple City Health Care Center, and On My Way Pre K.

Thank you to Geminus for coordinating and facilitating these opportunities for sharing, learning, and networking. Thank you early childhood professionals for the work you do each day to support young children and their families in Elkhart County!

Quality Child Care and Early Learning Environments Action Team Next Steps

  • Launch survey to learn about interest of early childhood and kindergarten professionals convening.
  • Connecting with parents to learn about their experiences, to inform the work of shifting the early childhood system because “It takes a village to get behind parents so they can raise their children,” according to Dr. Dana Suskind.

Community Supports for Children and Families

Next Steps

  • findhelp.org will launch in 2025! Thank you to the Community Supports for Children and Families Action Team for the researching, piloting, and planning of this exciting resource.
  • Exploring indoor activity spaces for young children and families located in and close to Elkhart County