This work to create a collective system to help all kindergartners in Elkhart County be ready to learn and thrive when they arrive at school started in Elkhart County 18 months ago.

Tamarack Institute worked with the Design Team to develop a theory of change to inform future transformative action work. Action teams, focused in the areas of maternal and child health outcomes, quality early child care and learning environments, and community and family supports helped to determine how to chart a path to action.

In July, the Design Team — which has been working closely to guide Building Strong Brains — came together to celebrate the progress and a transition to transformative action. We gathered at The Jackson Rooftop for conversation and to celebrate all that has happened and all that is to come.

The governance structure continues to evolve. Being intentional about how we do this will help us succeed in our work to create a system-based approach to supporting all children in Elkhart County in reaching their full potential to learn and thrive in all areas starting in kindergarten.

A community advisory/leadership team is being formed. The steering team, comprised of members from ten partner organizations, is integral in guiding the strategy of the system-level focus.