August Family Child Care Networking Event

Thank you to Geminus for visiting family child care providers in Elkhart County to invite them to the Family Child Care Networking event held last month. Each provider received a bag filled with information, resources, and giveaways, along with an invitation to attend the event. 

Family child care professionals had the opportunity to network and learn about available resources provided by INAEYC, SPARK Learning Labs, The SOURCE, and Geminus. They also had an opportunity to hear updates about the Building Strong Brains work across the coalition network. 

Virtual Family Child Care Network Meeting

Be part of Indiana’s most dynamic network for professionals like you. Join a vibrant community of family child care professionals who understand your unique challenges and are ready to support you every step of the way. 

Elkhart County Home Care providers are invited to join us virtually, at 7 p.m. September 26 for “Setting the Stage for Multi-Age Play,” presented by Town Square Explore the many right ways to create a functional, inviting, and high-quality care and learning environment in this virtual training for family child care providers by describing the role of space, furniture, and materials in supporting multi-age play. Training hours will be provided. *Thank you to our partners at Geminus, Crossroads United Way, the Community Foundation of Elkhart County, and the Building Strong Brains Quality Child Care and Early Learning Environments Action Team, for planning, facilitating, and sponsoring these early childhood professionals’ events. 

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