Communications Support Team

  • Surveyed the community to learn about Elkhart County early childhood messaging
  • Conducted a branding workshop
  • Launched social media. Follow Building Strong Brains on Facebook
  • Developing and planning a website refresh

Data Support Team

  • Reviewed Elkhart County and state dashboards
  • Developed an inventory of existing (aligned and publicly accessible) data
  • Met with the action team co-chairs to understand data and research needed to inform action work and measure progress
  • Working with the Health System Alignment Team to provide data to inform the work and discussion
  • Will support implementation of Visible Network Labs for network analysis and measure the strength of the Building Strong Brains coalition network to scale systems impact

Health System Alignment Team

Conversations among health care providers are focused on ways to increase early and adequate prenatal care. Complex problems require complex solutions. The Maternal and Child Health Action Team, the Health System Alignment Team, a subcommittee of medical providers, and organizations working directly with families are actively engaged. This is another example of where collective work can shift systems and produce better outcomes!

Steering Team 

The Steering Team continues to meet monthly to hear updates from across the system. They will offer feedback to a newly forming Design Team to launch a pilot project to serve new parents in several geographically defined locations – to test strategies. True to the coalition’s values, this effort will be informed, and “directed” by parents.

Leadership Table

The Leadership Table had the opportunity to review a strategy idea from one of the action teams at its May meeting. The Leadership Table shared its support, along with guiding questions for further consideration as the action team continues to develop the plan. After suggesting a pilot project at its February meeting, members of the table heard an update, offered feedback and guiding questions, and supported the approach. The Leadership Table requested a framework reflective of the coalition’s goals and strategies to use as they contribute ideas, challenges, and innovations.  The Leadership Table is scheduled to meet again in August.