Resource Links

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Resource Links

Find Help is a resource that connects individuals with local programs, making it easy to access free or reduced-cost services such as food, housing, financial assistance, health care, and more.

Triple P: Positive Parenting Program

What is Triple P?

Triple P stands for Positive Parenting Program. It’s a system of support for parents that’s been studied for effectiveness all over the world!

In Elkhart County, you can find Triple P support in a wide variety of places, including schools, social service agencies, churches, libraries, and others! Most Triple P support is available for free or for a low cost.

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Lantern: Empowering Parents, Nurturing Children

Lantern Logo

Parenting comes with its challenges, but with Lantern, expert advice and support are just a text away! Sign up now to receive free, age-specific parenting tips and local resources directly to your phone.

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